Monday, April 26, 2010

Benjamin's Birthday

Our Great Leader's birthday.. Happy Birthday Ben!

Both these guys were born back in ..well. Some time back.
On the same day!

Which one is Ben?
1. the one with specs
2. the one smiling
3. the guy

Or could she be Ben?

Friends, I think they are

The Cake, The Candles (count 'em!), the present

I think this also counts as a present

The Tiramisu-lover

The requisite song-singing, with this annoyingly familiar (actually, familiarly annoying) guy in white standing behind

The gang

And.. Ben.

Small group after, with a new friend.
Live to Serve with love!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is your job a mismatch for your gifts?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Is your job a mismatch for your gifts? by Rick Warren

Each of you should go on living according to the Lord's gift to you, and as you were when God called you. This is the rule I teach in all the churches. 1 Corinthians 7:17 (TEV)

"If you are in a job that does not match the gifts, interests and abilities God gave to you, then give serious consideration taking steps to get out of it and into the job God has called you to."
God does not expect you to glorify Him with gifts you don't have. But He does expect you to glorify Him with gifts you do have.
To fulfill God's will for you life, you need work that expresses what God made you to be. If you're in a job that is not using the talents, gifts, abilities, and interests that God gave you, you may want to pray about whether or not you're in a mismatched job.

This is a serious problem and it's a spiritual issue. It is far more important than you may think it is -- because God has given you your gifts, talents and abilities, and one day He's going to say, "What did you do with them?" And do you want to say, "Well, I spent my life at a job that didn't use them."
Now, I know this raises some questions, you may be saying, "Rick, what if my current job doesn't express my gifts?" As someone committed to your fulfillment in life, living for the purpose God designed you for, I urge you toward this: If you are in a job that does not match the gifts, interests and abilities God gave to you, then give serious consideration taking steps to get out of it and get into the job that God has called you to by the very nature of who you are.
It's a very important issue for your spiritual life: Get into what God made you to be. The first step you need to take is some self-appraisal. You need to ask yourself, "What did God make me to be?

And, as the Bible says, "... Try to have a sane estimate of your capabilities by the light of the faith that God has given to you ...." (Romans 12:3, Phillips NT) During this appraisal, you may even discover that you are in the very job God wants you to be, and you can develop a new attitude about your work.
"Each of you should go on living according to the Lord's gift to you ..." (1 Corinthians 7:17, TEV) Pray about this - Are you in a job that doesn't match who God made you to be, or are you exactly where God wants you to be?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson 13 “Live to Serve with LOVE”

Have you ever experience the help of other?
How do you feel when you help someone in need??
Do we have principles and conditions that must be met before helping someone???
According to the bible, what should serving begin with? When should we begin?????

Hey Joyful gang,
On this coming Sunday afternoon (25 April) SG fellowship, we will touch base Lesson 13 “Live to Serve with LOVE” & some of the above questions…. leading by Sis Jamie.

Time: 1.30 pm after worship & church luncheon,

Venue: NLC. Annex Block Room AX210 - 2nd floor.

Members are encouraged to read and print out the material on lesson 13 from the attachments (Pls see below)....

Members are welcome to bring friends to join in.

See you and God’s bless

When you pray, give God your guilt

Monday, April 19, 2010
When you pray, give God your guilt by Rick Warren

Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Matthew 6:12 (TEV)
"If you're a Christian carrying guilt around, it's because you're not taking advantage of what Jesus Christ did on the cross."

We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. I don't measure up to my own standard for myself, much less God's standard of perfection. It's not very hard to admit you're not perfect. So what do we do when we fall short?
I was listening to a psychologist on the radio recently. A guy called in and was pouring his heart out about how guilty he felt for things he had done wrong. He asked, "How can I get rid of my guilt?" This psychologist said: "You can't. You've got to learn to live with it." I almost shouted at the radio: "Wait a minute! Give me that guy's phone number! He doesn't have to go through life filled with guilt!"

There is no reason in the world you have to live with guilt. God has given us a way to get rid of guilt. It's called confession. God promises that when we confess, He forgives us instantly, totally, completely, freely, and continuously. If you're a Christian carrying guilt around, it's because you're not taking advantage of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. The next step in making contact with God is pardon: I give God my guilt.
God wants to forgive you.
You don't have to beg for forgiveness -- "God, please, pretty please with sugar on it!"
You don't have to bargain - "God, if you forgive me, I will never do it again."
You don't have to bribe -- "God, if You'll forgive me, I promise to always read my Bible."

You simply believe God because he says you are forgiven.
If you ever run out of things to pray about, just get specific about your sins and weaknesses. When I talk with God about my weaknesses and sins, I never lack for subject matter. In fact, I'm always coming up with new material! There's plenty of things to talk about in my life that need to be changed.
You worship God through prayer when you give him your love, your life, and your worries. And also when you ask him for forgiveness of your sins.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lesson 11 -Live a Life of Evangelism

What is GOSPEL?
Do you remember the first time U heard the Gospel....?
Who share with U?
Did you share the gospel?
Why must we share????

Hey Joyful gang,

On this coming Sunday afternoon (12 April) SG fellowship, we will touch base Lesson 11 “Live a Life of Evangelism” & some of the above questions….

Time: 1.30 pm after worship & church luncheon, Venue: NLC.

Members are encouraged to read the material on lesson 11 (Pls see below)....

Welcome to bring friends to join in.
See you and God’s bless